2024 Charles A. Will Award Winner

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Congratulations to Chua Yi Jin of SCOR Global Life! Yi Jin is the 2024 recipient of the Charles A. Will Award, sponsored by Gen Re!

Charles A. Will was a Senior Vice President, Underwriting at Cologne Re in 1974 when he authored the book “Does It Make Sense?”, a text that encapsulated the process of decision making for underwriters. In 1994, General Re® formed an alliance with Cologne Re (now General Reinsurance AG). Berkshire Hathaway acquired General Re Corporation in 1998 and five years later, General Re and Cologne Re began marketing globally under the brand name of Gen Re. Gen Re has long been known as an ‘underwriting company’ and it is their pleasure and privilege to continue the legacy of Mr. Will’s impact on the underwriting profession through their sponsorship of the Charles A. Will Award.

The recipient of the award is the new FALU with the highest aggregate score on all of the ALU exams. The Charles A. Will Award recipient receives crystal globe, and payment of his or her expenses (airfare, hotel and registration fee) for the annual AHOU conference where the international underwriting community will recognize his or her accomplishment.