Continuing Education

The Continuing Education Certification program is a collaboration between ALU, AHOU and the CIU, launched in 2020. Since that time work has been done to create awareness of the program and over 500 certificates have been awarded to participants. The program is designed to capture what you, a professional underwriter, are already doing to enhance, maintain and grow your skills in our ever-changing insurance landscape.
Guiding principles:
• Promote the importance of underwriting professionalism through continuing education
• Maintain value of the FALU designation
• Recognize continuing education for non-FALU underwriters
• Provide a certification that is both meaningful and attainable
• Provide a platform to recognize industry involvement and education
• Establish parameters for qualifying credit content
• Create and maintain individual tracking tool
If you have any questions about the Continuing Education Certification program, please contact [email protected].
View 2024-2025 Certified FALUs
View 2024-2025 Certified Professional Underwriters